TECH VAULT2022-01-22T10:13:03-07:00


The TECH VAULT contains articles about the history and technical elements of beadlocks and automatic deflators. You’ll also find off road topics about tire pressure, safe trail skills and more.

How to Identify Vortex V2and Legacy Deflators

How to Identify Vortex V2and Legacy Deflators FOR BOTH COYOTE VORTEX V2 AND LEGACY DEFLATORS THIS PAGE RELATES TO BOTH COYOTE VORTEX V2 AND LEGACY DEFLATORS. THESE DEFLATORS HAVE DIFFERENT SPECIFICATIONS, ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS. IT'S IMPORTANT TO USE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR DEFLATOR. From across the table, they look the same, but up close and functionally there is a universe of difference. Let’s start with identifying what’s in your  -   Read More   -  


HOW TIRE PRESSURE GAUGES WORK Atmospheric pressure affects most all tire pressure gauges regardless of type, quality or what you paid. The only exception is an “absolute pressure reading-gauge” and I’m willing to bet money, marbles or chalk that no one out there has a tire pressure gauge that reads absolute (tire) pressure. However, if you have an altimeter, it reads absolute pressure. This is PSIA to the pressure geeks.  -   Read More   -  

When Will I Roll?

WHEN WILL I ROLL? FOURWHEELING ACADEMY WHEN WILL YOU ROLL? You will roll when your center of gravity goes beyond your downside tire contact point. This article presents a way to check that on the trail. The above was more than a “Let’s see if we can break it episode.” It was a real world balance test that took place in 1994 in Norm Clow’s Serra Lumber yard in San Clemente,  -   Read More   -  

Beadlock Tests and Features

BEADLOCK TESTS AND FEATURES FOURWHEELING ACADEMY This picks up where “Bead Lock History and Evolution” left off. Here, I present the original tests from my ECO4WD newsletter, other tests and conclude discussing the features that count when buying beadlocks. But first, a thought. CONFIDENCE IN AIR: I want first to address a gut feelings that I have. My hunch is that most of us (me included) have a better feel for what  -   Read More   -  


BEADLOCK HISTORY AND EVOLUTION  FOUR WHEELING ACADEMY Notice how the steel rim’s OD is rolled back onto itself in addition to the popped bead. Most likely a beadlocked rim would have prevented this altogether. If you play in the dirt long enough, you'll eventually encounter rim- and tire-bead related problems. Popping a bead off a rim is relatively commonplace. While playing and learning about driving  -   Read More   -  


SAFE BEAD MOUNTING I run and hide when I hear someone is going to explode gasoline or ether to mount a tire! When I hear of guys popping tire beads onto a rim by exploding gasoline or ether, I run! This is dangerous and unnecessary! Exploding a perfect gasoline/air mixture in a little (by most hard core guys standards) 31x10.5 tire is far more powerful than you and I  -   Read More   -  


TEMPERATURE AND TIRE PRESSURE This article explores how temperature affects tire pressure. And understand that this has nothing to do with the kind of gauge you use or how much you paid for it. Any gauge will work for doing what I present. The only additional thing you’ll possibly need is an IR, point and shoot thermometer. With over 15 years of publishing the ECO4WD newsletter and several 4WD  -   Read More   -  


COMPENSATING TIRE PRESSURE READINGS FOR ELEVATION This may come as a bit of a surprise to some and old hat for others, but your tire pressure gauge readings vary with elevation. However, elevation does not change the tire size or the amount of air within. Temperature also affects pressure. See our Temperature and Tire Pressure article for more on that. What follows assumes no temperature change.That’s right; the 10 PSI(G) you read  -   Read More   -  


DRIVING DEEP VEES   By Harry Lewellyn From Shifting Into 4WD, pages 112-114 Mother Nature is ever-present. When She rains, She eventually sends water down or across the road. Sometimes, man cuts deep vees to route the water his way, which Mother Nature will eventually adjust Her way. Natural or otherwise, there are two kinds of deep vees. There are those that run across the road and those that run down  -   Read More   -  

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